All Skin Types Can Benefit From Oil-Based Skincare

Is your skin oily? Dry? or a combination of the two? Does your skin change based on the season of the year?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then oil-based skincare is for Y-O-U.

Oil based cleansers can be the right antidote for all types of skin whether you have dry, oily or combination skin. By using oils to cleanse the skin, it balances out the body’s naturally producing oils.

What Are the Benefits of Oil Cleansing for Every Skin Type?

(Written by our friends at Beauty Garde)

So you have oily, sensitive, or acne-prone skin, and you’re wondering if oil cleansing is going to exacerbate those conditions? You’re right to wonder. It’s certainly true that the wrong oils in the wrong proportions can make acne worse or inflame sensitive skin. For this reason, it’s crucial that you make sure you’re using only a non-comedogenic oil, which means it will not clog your pores. Contrary to what you may have heard, you can’t just grab a tub of coconut oil and slather it on your face. It is too thick and heavy, and more importantly, it’s designed for cooking. Facial oils that are tested on humans and specifically formulated for your complexion will do the best job of cleaning without causing breakouts.

Here are some of the benefits of oil cleansing by skin type:

  1. Oily skin: Using facial cleansers that strip away too much of your natural sebum can cause your skin to go into oil overproduction mode. This means that your oiliness can actually get worse. On the other hand, cleansers that contain oils with astringent properties can help reduce greasiness, while not diminishing hydration.

  2. Dry skin: If you struggle with dryness, then your skin may not be producing enough sebum to adequately hydrate it. Facial oil can act as both a cleanser and a leave-on moisturizer to rebalance your skin.

  3. Acne-prone skin: Oils like castor contain anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which can help alleviate acne.

  4. Sensitive skin: Facial cleansing oils are typically derived from ingredients found in nature. They are gentle on your skin and avoid harsh detergents which can irritate sensitive skin.

  5. Combination skin: For this complexion type, you can follow the directions for oily skin on those areas, and then spot moisturize with additional oil on dry areas of your face.

  6. Other skin conditions like rosacea or excema: “Harsh cleansers and scrubs will strip the skin of essential oils, leading to dryness and inflammation. This can lead to a rosacea flare,” Dr. Joshua Zeichner, M.D. told Reader’s Digest. He goes on to say, “Stick to gentle, soap-free cleansers that remove dirt and oil without compromising the skin barrier.”

Have any questions about oil cleansing? We would love to answer them!

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