11 ways to take care of yourself during the holidays. 💙
Creating calm amidst chaos: 11 ways to take care of yourself during the holidays
(Number 4 is our favorite).
1. Get outside…let the sunshine warm your face, even for just a few minutes each day. ☀️ the benefits are numerous!
2. Drink a lot of water (even when you don't feel thirsty). Throw in some electrolytes if you're feeling extra zany. If you're feeling extra ambitious: drink a glass of water before you drink your coffee in the morning.
3. Schedule time with a friend who brings you joy. Even better: kill two birds with one stone (not literally, mind you) and take a walk in the sunshine with a friend!
4. Blast your favorite music while you wrap Christmas gifts. Extra points if you have a dance off to Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You. Video or it didn't happen. Also post it to your story and tag @anniejamesproducts. We double dog dare ya.
5. Make time for a face mask. 2 of Kenzie and Katie's favorites: the charcoal mask and the AHA mask from Beautycounter. The perfect way to unwind after a full day of merriment and cheer.
6. Pet therapy! Spend some time loving on a dog…unless you're allergic, then maybe you should skip this one. 🥲
7. Holiday treats are exactly that: a treat! It's ok to indulge in a holiday delicacy or two, everything in moderation! Katie's favorites include: homemade cinnamon rolls, peppermint ice cream and an old-fashioned. Kenzie's favorites include: homemade chocolate chip pumpkin bread, homemade hot chocolate (nothing beats homemade).
8. Spend some time reading, journaling, or writing. Reflect on the season, the good, the hard and everything in-between.
9. Say “no” to something (or several things). Boundaries are a beautiful thing. Don't be afraid to set them.
10. Do something kind for a stranger. Greet the UPS driver, thank people for working hard, buy coffee for the person behind you in line… it doesn't take much to make someone else's day. Be intentional!
11. Sleep! Need we say more? 😴